个税10% 人群_人群管理如何使我们的搜索质量提高27%
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个税10% 人群

by Thanesh Sunthar

由塔内什·桑塔尔(Thanesh Sunthar)

人群管理如何使我们的搜索质量提高27% (How Crowd Curation Improved Our Search Quality by 27%)

The bigger your platform gets, the more vital search becomes. And if you run a content-heavy platform like ours, it’s even more critical that you get search right.

您的平台越大,搜索就越重要。 而且,如果您运行像我们这样的内容丰富的平台,那么正确搜索就显得尤为关键。

Retrieving relevant information from millions — potentially billions — of records is not a trivial task. The problem of search is so complex that it has it’s own discipline dedicated to solving it, called Information Science.

从数百万个(可能数十亿个)记录中检索相关信息并非易事。 搜索问题是如此复杂,以至于有自己的学科致力于解决它,称为信息科学

The world’s six most-visited websites all feature a prominent search bar in their navigation panel. Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon have chosen to place the search bar right next to their logo, highlighting how important search has become for these platforms. Google, the world’s number one website, was initially built around this single problem — search!

世界上访问量最大的六个网站在其导航面板中均具有醒目的搜索栏。 Facebook,YouTube和Amazon选择将搜索栏放置在徽标旁边,以突出显示搜索对于这些平台的重要性。 谷歌,世界排名第一的网站,最初是围绕着这个单一的问题-搜索!

搜索即导航 (Search is Navigation)

Search is the primary way people discover content on a platform. Few people will really put in the time to learn your platform’s hierarchy. In every category, there are many other platforms competing for your users’ time, so these hierarchies are constantly evolving, anyway.

搜索是人们在平台上发现内容的主要方式。 很少有人会真正花时间学习平台的层次结构。 在每个类别中,都有许多其他平台在争夺您用户的时间,因此无论如何,这些层次结构都在不断发展。

When was the last time you used a menu bar? Or even used advance search filters? Unless you forced users to use these, they tend to naturally stay away from these. So if it isn’t easy enough for users to discover your content through search, they’ll lose interest and move on.

您上次使用菜单栏是什么时候? 甚至使用了高级搜索过滤器 ? 除非您强迫用户使用这些,否则他们自然会远离这些。 因此,如果用户通过搜索来发现您的内容不够容易,他们将失去兴趣并继续前进。

整理搜索结果 (Curating Search Results)

When search results aren’t relevant to the user, they won’t take the next action and click on any of the results. Curation helps increase the relevance of search results.

当搜索结果与用户无关时,他们将不会采取下一步操作,也不会点击任何结果。 策划有助于提高搜索结果的相关性。

My company, Flipp, takes weekly circulars from retailers and makes them searchable. Here’s the difference between non-curated and manually curated results when you search “cake” on Flipp:

我的公司Flipp每周都会收到零售商的通函,并使其可搜索。 下面是当你搜索“蛋糕”上Flipp 非策划人工监管的结果之间的差异:

Manual curation is the process of a human actually checking each and every search term, then manually arranging the sort order of the results. It’s clear that our manually curated version shows a much cleaner, more relevant set of search results to the user.

手动策划是人类实际检查每个搜索词,然后手动排列结果的排序顺序的过程。 显然,我们的手动策划版本向用户显示了更简洁,更相关的搜索结果集。

You can automate some aspects of manual curation, but it’s still a resource intensive task.


输入人群管理 (Enter Crowd Curation)

While manual curation is a great way to get started, it’s not a scalable solution. We need a better approach.

虽然手动策展是入门的好方法,但它不是可扩展的解决方案。 我们需要更好的方法。

This is where crowd curation comes into play. It uses the to sort the order of search results.

这是人群策展活动发挥作用的地方。 它利用的对搜索结果进行排序。

One simple approach is to see what items users are clicking on the most, then bump them up to the top of your search results. Here’s an example of the search results for the query “bbq” both before and after crowd curation:

一种简单的方法是查看用户点击次数最多的项目,然后将其提升到搜索结果的顶部。 这是在人群管理之前和之后查询“ bbq”的搜索结果的示例:

As you can see, measuring the click count on an item and sorting results based on that yields much better search results. But because items change on a daily basis in our app, our search results require a periodic tune-up. We keep search results fresh so that expired deals disappear and newer, more “newsworthy” deals rise to the top.

如您所见,测量项目的点击计数并基于该结果对结果进行排序会产生更好的搜索结果。 但是,由于项目在我们的应用程序中每天都在变化,因此我们的搜索结果需要定期进行调整。 我们会保持搜索结果的最新状态,以使过期的交易消失,并且更新的,更具“新闻价值”的交易升至最高。

We have to ensure that we don’t penalize new flyer items against the older items, which have received more impressions, and therefore collected more clicks. This creates other interesting challenges for our dev team.

我们必须确保我们不会对新的传单项目与较旧的项目进行惩罚,因为较旧的项目获得了更多的印象,因此获得了更多的点击次数。 这给我们的开发团队带来了其他有趣的挑战。

Search is also slightly different on mobile platforms. Because the screen size is smaller, we have to also consider what is actually displayed in the viewport.

在移动平台上,搜索也略有不同。 因为屏幕尺寸较小,所以我们还必须考虑视口中实际显示的内容。

There’s a greater chance that a user will click on an item that is shown at the top (above the fold) rather than items further down the list that they have to scroll down to (below the fold). If the user does take the effort to scroll down to find an item, then that has to also be taken into account when we improve the sort order of our search results.

用户更有可能单击顶部(折叠上方)显示的项目,而不是单击其向下滚动至(折叠下方)列表下方的项目。 如果用户确实努力向下滚动以查找项目,那么当我们改善搜索结果的排序顺序时,也必须考虑到这一点。

衡量搜索质量 (Measuring Search Quality)

The most important measure of a search engine is the quality of its search results. Here, the gap between searches and clicks is widening, and search is getting worse:

搜索引擎最重要的衡量标准是其搜索结果的质量。 在这里,搜索和点击之间的差距正在扩大,搜索变得越来越糟:

We use — the ratio of users who click on a specific item versus the total users who view those search results — to measure the effectiveness of our search engine.

我们使用 —单击特定项目的用户与查看这些搜索结果的总用户的比率—来衡量我们搜索引擎的有效性。

We also use to measure the quality of our ranking algorithms.


One simple way to visualize “uplift” — improvement in results — is to measure the additional clicks generated at every rank of the search result. We used this to conclude that by using crowd curation we saw 27% uplift in clicks generated from the first result.

可视化“提升”(提高结果)的一种简单方法是测量在搜索结果的每个等级上产生的额外点击。 我们得出的结论是, 通过使用人群策划,我们发现从第一个结果产生的点击次数增加了27%。

Most of the clicks shifted towards the top ranks, proving that we had improved the quality and relevancy of our search results.


And yes, our algorithm also weighs on how long an item has been available in search.


For example, if a circular dropped on Wednesday, the “newsworthiness” of items from that circular would degrade as we move through the week, giving more importance to items from flyers dropped more recently than Wednesday. We balance this with the number of clicks.

例如,如果周三发布了通函,则随着我们在一周中的移动,该通函中的项目的“新闻价值”将会降低,这比周三发布的传单中的项目更加重要。 我们用点击次数来平衡这一点。

In other words:


Item Rank = Formula(Age of Item, Clicks)


This way, we’re able to somewhat mitigate effects.


At Flipp, we want the user experience to be magical. We’re a data-driven company that constantly looks at data to find new ways to improve the lives of millions of users. Search is just one area where we are applying this principle, but it’s an important one.

在Flipp,我们希望用户体验是神奇的。 我们是一家由数据驱动的公司,不断研究数据以寻找新方法来改善数百万用户的生活。 搜索只是我们应用此原理的一个领域,但这是重要的领域。

I’m Thanesh, a senior product manager at . I published another version of this on the . If you’re interested in reinventing the way people buy things, check out our current .

我是Flipp的高级产品经理 。 我在上发布了此版本的另一个版本。 如果您有兴趣重塑人们的购买方式,请查看我们当前的 。


个税10% 人群


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